MARCH-2001. A Photo-Album from UNIAM collecting NASA images about and around 'The Face' in 6 pages. We plan to give here our educated analysis of what some leading authorities have published on this topic via Internet. To put order and discern about this scientific truth which ordinary journals do not dear (or plainly refuse) to handle. As secretary, Angel Garcia, publishes on the Internet almost exclusively. That is my role in here: to present NASA images and, after overall enhancements, to make significant compositions as this one to the right: a lot to say because "The Face" is an ETI riddle. The note of Ignatius Graffeo CORRECTLY announced that the martian Art at that mesa was vastly superior to what we had expected and the use of 'negative' was intentional. So "The Face on Mars is Real!", he competently wrote in so modest note that it became unnoticed or ignored. Just buried in the pile of thousands of Internet notes about the 'Face' and we saw it just now (march-2001) in a routine Internet browsing. Are there other notes which duly recognise Ignatius' finding?. A shame for all of us, leaders on ETI: Internet is replacing the 'firsts' which used to be published in 'Nature' and main stream journals. &&&&&&&&& ********* NOTE: To make reference to all illustrations in this Website we use number of the page (8 for /id8.html, say) and a letter in front of it starting orderly at top of the page. So in present 'Home' page we have a0 for first image above and b0 for 2nd. illustration. Similarly at page 13 we have a13, b13, c13, d13 orderly from the top. This Website will remain open and free, for as long as possible, to be read and downloaded. |
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When with great expertise (and good luck) JPL/MSSS got this valuable image (apr-1998) we became astonished. "This is not a Face", everybody yieled. DiPietro included, but he said that sunset images were needed to confirm Viking's positive photos, while experts started to orthorectify and get the best of what incorrectly was assumed to be a 'poor' image. Not 'poor' at all, we see by now; just loaded with a 'martian riddle'. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 
&&&&&&&&&&&&& No riddle of the "Face" from Viking's-1976 picture at SUNSET up to 5-apr-1998 when MGS took this image (left) at SUNRISE. All good researchers were expecting a SYMMETRIC sculpture which would yield shadows at sunrise quite similar to those at sunset. But, no!. Above image showed to the world that either we had a mesa with a 'pile of rocks' as many scientists at NASA announced.. or the artificial work in there was heavily damaged (Dr. Carlotto's and other's hint). We became disapointed and worried. By 8-apr-1998 the eagle-eyes of a talented ufologist, Mr. Ignatius Graffeo, had already solved the riddle and published his idea in modest note. He looked carefully to above picture and said: 'it looks as a NEGATIVE photo!'. So he 'reversed' it and got the most wonderful surprise and gem of his life. See my basic Art-lines, below-left, on NASA's negative.  We are "Universitas Americae (UNIAM)". Our authority?. President and editor Dr. D.G. Lahoz, physicist, has published 12 printed monographs on "Extraterrestrial Intelligence" ("ETI") from 1976 to 2000. He, the first, announced conclusive evidence of ETI in preface to "Cosmogonic Chart on Phobos" (UNIAM, 1981). Phobos, uranian system, Cydonia (Mars) and 'ancient terrestrial documents' have been shown containing ETI by our Institution. However the very first significant monograph pointing to probable ETI in Cydonia is: V. DiPietro & G. Molenaar, "Unusual martian surface Features" (1982). Then came authors R. Pozos, R. Hoagland and Dr. M.J. Carlotto with his "Martian Enigmas" (1991). Dr. Lahoz read all these and more before publishing anything about Cydonia. |
First two printed monographs with title containing "FACE ON MARS" are a) R. Pozos, "The Face on Mars: Evidence for a lost Civilization?" (North Atlantic, 1986). b) D.G. Lahoz, "The Face on Mars: TETET-92" (UNIAM, march-1993).