&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 8.- UPDATE for 8-june-2001. Critique of Kynthia's latest works. She is building a new site (www.insightim.com) and has already shown a drawing of FoM as if seen by astronauts standing at its eastern base. See it in www.enterprisemission.com (article of incipient june-2001 with heading 'Forensic analysis...'). I cannot show her magnificent drawing due to copyright: it depicts the lateral east-side of the 'mountain' Fom with well guesed system of stairs to climb to the top. Here goes my composition for such 'stairs' (not a drawing, but the actual terrific NASA/MSSS image of FoM at noon): 
Above image (about 1/8 of FoM) and insets describe at highest resolution the eastern 'foot' where the marks and facilities for construction were located. It's gradual slopes are certainly the place to start a hike, as correctly Mr. Jim Garvin has suggested. Kynthia has been far brighter than Garvin in assessing its obvious artificiality. 
Kynthia has been the competent artist who has most adamantly defended FoM during more than a dozen years. She has contributed with drawings in Hoagland's book (latest editions). Via pictures, T-shirts and sculptures the work of Kynthia is worldwide known. Intelligent and with interest in ancient cultures her articles are well pondered and prudent. She has insisted in the FRAME of FoM: very correctly she points out that such symmetric FRAME had to be built by martian Artistry to enclose something non-trivial. Not one but "at least TWO" different 'faces' are intended, she says. The obvious reason being that the east-side is not as high and regular as the western side; thus Kynthia goes with Hoagland in assessing the 'positive' of east-half FoM as sort of 'lion'. Our composition here shows in extreme brightness-contrast such FRAME as 'footprint' surrounded by flat 'splash' (residuals after construction). 
Our last composition shows again the positive and negative of intended character "Anger" (already described and interpreted in page IIc). Kynthia follows Hoagland in incorrectly taking the 'positive' of above composition. Where both authors see a 'lion' in it?.. they have an excuse because such 'positive' is confusing and has large surroundings (the 'splash') which can be taken as the hair-in-disarray of a 'lion'. However the 'negative' is far more clear: it has exactly the same eye as the 'small one' of "Sacred" (which NECESSARILY is in 'negative'); and the mouth 'in negative' shows the 'human teeth' of a person in "Anger". 
&&&&&& Work of Hoagland and Kynthia have been excellent in assessing the basics ('split face') in new image of FoM at noon. Two points: a) the Graffeo & Lahoz idea of use of 'negative' for "Sacred" and "Anger" cannot be ignored nor dismissed anymore, b) not 'lion', but merely 'angry and furious human character' for the eastern half-face. Lahoz presents here his own interpretation of the FOUR (not TWO) characters in FoM, except "Kiss" or "Beso", due to Mr. Ruo Yu, which Lahoz labels as 'insuperable' in beauty and precision. In 'splitting' the FoM at noon one has to be careful in doing it 'artistically'. Clearly the 'kissing mouth' of "Kiss" cannot be added nor totally (nor even in part) to the furious character "Anger": that would be nonsense because the mouth of "Anger" is very well defined as 'wide open' and showing teeth.