2.- Latest(?) monograph about Art in the 'Face-on-Mars' is scanned here in its front-cover to show a bit how the issue was born: Tobias Owen spotted, the first, such 'Face' in live images from Viking (1976); and Dr. G.A. Soffen (Scientific Director of the Viking project) announced it immediately, with a smile, to the media. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 3.- NEW UPDATE for 24-MAY-2001. NASA/MSSS has released new caption of the "Face on Mars" (may-2001). It is an outstanding image near noon (early afternoon hours). Greatest resolution so far achieved. Although for the Fine-Art here involved one does not need grand resolution at all: in a supreme show of Craft the martian Artistry gives us now a SPLIT HUMAN FACE with its left side depicting LOVE and its right side depicting ANGER. Namely the two basic human emotions. On top of such fundamental meaning the secondary intention is to indicate that the SUNSET images of the whole MUSEUM are more important ('love') than the ones at sunrise ('anger'): because the 'in between' mathematical diagrams and most Monuments (LECTIO, the central one, and others)require such SUNSET imaging as intended. Please, JPL/MSSS, give as new view of the "Face" at late sunset to duplicate and better resolve the famous one 35A72 of Viking!. (Angel's composition goes here below): 

And see in above composition my amateur (but efficient) help in drawing the basic Art-lines which OBVIOUSLY are intended. In last composition of present page (see below) I have mirrored both half-faces to show what, in final analysis, was the intention of the divine Artist. Briefly the FoM's character to the left will be named "Kiss" and the one to the right will be named "Anger". 