
The 3 NASA images. /id1.html
MGS negative. Interpretation. /id2.html
Not Van Flandern but Ignatius. /id3.html
New partial images. /id4.html
Contact Me. /id5.html
For possible updates (5-2001). /id6.html
Links. /id7.html
For possible updates (6-2001). /id8.html
For possible updates (6-2001). /id9.html
For possible updates (6-2001). /id10.html
For possible updates (6-2001). /id11.html
For possible updates (7-2001). /id12.html
For possible updates (8-2001). /id13.html
For possible updates (8-2001). /id14.html
For possible updates (11-2001). /id15.html
For possible updates (12-2001). /id16.html
For possible updates (12-2001). /id17.html
First images from Odyssey. // id18.html
Commentary for mathematicians. // id19.html
Underground of Cydonia in IR ? // id 20.html
Face on Mars. Critique.
Underground of Cydonia in IR ? // id 20.html

Hoagland and Bara claim that they have the true original of recently capted IR image of Cydonia by Odyssey. Controversy which Odyssey team has moral obligation of clarifying: which image is the correct one?. Meanwhile here we present our view on such claim and controversy. On 31-oct-2002 the Odyssey team has released a first night-time IR image of portion of Cydonia: the 'controversial' blocks
are absent and therefore no conclusion can be made regarding underground structures as claimed by Hoagland and others.

Cydonia underground?

first night-time IR of Cydonia.