10-august-2001. The 'Electric Warrior' (eWarrior) has been, so far, eclectic about the new FM release of may-2001. Clearly the pressure of the 'NASA' logos on the infamous and extremely stupid report of J. Garvin et al. is making heavy impact over several uncritical media sources and publications; and eWarrior is mildly reacting about it. In its current last note eWarrior ends by saying: "Did you fudge those 3D images, just like those Mars anomaly researchers everybody is always making fun of ? ". The referred 3D images are those labeled 'no nose,.. no mouth' produced exclusively by MOLA data; and the question is addressed to Garvin et al. However above question of eWarrior has a despising overtone against 'researchers' who very correctly have explained the trick of split-face obviously used by the divine-Artists. Art has to be seen, assessed and admired in precisely the way that was intended by the Artist: if you splash your nose against a painting of Van Gogh, say, only meaningless patches of paint and not 'sunflowers' you will discern. Spacecrafts at 400 km can only image 'shadows' and it is up to us, more or less gifted researchers, to explain these images based on sensible Art-critique.

Dealing with 'artistic intelligentia' one has to be necessarily repetitious and somehow look as bully in order to teach to the ordinary public at large what is and what is not Fine-Art. Because it is obvious that ordinary folks can only discern and appreciate Art once somebody has digested for them the genuine Art as intended by the Artist. Research in Art is as difficult as in Sciences and there is no shame in acknowledging incompetence about it for an ordinary individual who has no time to spend in such field. In front page of eWarrior webpage 'A Trick of Light and Shadow' we see an extreme example of poor analysis: sure there is eclecticism in there and doubts about yes or no to artificiality, but the wrong premise of a single 'face' damages very badly its study. As in above 4 images the correct analysis has to start by recognising that FM is designed to show TOTALLY different human faces at various hours of the day. The proof of such statement is mere artistic objectivity: firstly pointed out by Graffeo the human face shown at sunrise (Sacra) cannot be seen in the positive; it has to be admired only in the negative and then the forehead is common with Brava at sunset, but those closed eyes correspond to bright eyebrow in Brava and Osculans and dark eyes of Ferox (also in negative). With such insight Sacra becomes a perfect work of Art objectively speaking as above shown. Similarly for the use of split-face: the great NASA/MSSS image (may-2001) shows obviously (as instantly appreciated by quite a few different authors: previous pages) a dual face which has to be dissected as above shown and then, again, a pair of objective Fine-Art images appear. Authors as Van Flandern who resort to assumption of 'damaged' FM to avoid the concept of split-face are deadly wrong: FM is built with very hard rock (fused rock or lava) to stand in shape for megayears without substantial damage. The perfection of the proportions in above images are conclusive proof of such idea. To answer the question of eWarrior about why Garvin et al. chose to publish a smoothed mountain as if FM were merely an ordinary non-artificial mesa or table, is really painful. Certainly Garvin et al. have done their best to misinform the media and public at large: charitably we will assume that such misrepresentation is based on pure incompetence and not conscientious aim to deceive. It is pretty obvious that MOLA data are totally useless to discern any 'face' on FM since resolution is poorer than 150 m whereas the 'optical' images have resolution better than 2 m and show minute details as pupil, sclera and wrinkles in eye of Osculans (previous page). Thus Garvin et al. are certainly guilty and should resign from NASA and walk to those hills of Idaho to hike and spend their lives in modest reclusion making penance for such 'sin' against humanity. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 14-august-2001 Is the huge mountain FM hollow?... Most probably, of course!. The construction was, almost certainly, made using controlled lava ducts from deep and hot spots of the planet; because the 3 'Tholus' (not far away) show precisely such technique in an evident final result. The divine Artists and workers finished, polished and retouched the massive lava hill and logically had to build stairs and internal rooms in FM for various purposes. We have discussed at large the martian idea of setting 'sculptures' of quasi-geometric human faces at entrances to subterranean habitats; and logically the greatest 'human faces' of FM, i.e. the FM itself, MUST be a clue and 'mark' for the meeting place between martians and extra-martian visitors. Therefore the eastern side of FM (where stair-system is visible, image below) must contain also the entrances and doors to the internal rooms of FM where martians logically will expect to receive the very first terrestrial visitors in the future. Exactly as the movie 'Mission to Mars' symbolically described. In fact we have detected the very first 'marked' door to internal rooms within FM, as shown in image below. 