&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 6.- UPDATE for 4-june-2001. We have made the correspondence of elements between "Brave" and "Kiss" in previous page. Here we will do it for "Sacred" and "Anger-Kiss": 

Since the "Sacred" is a 'complete human Face' (not symmetrical due to chosen view and perspective) and in 'negative' (per Graffeo-Lahoz study), we have to take both characters {"Kiss" and "Anger"), as in the complete NASA image at noon (reversed to its negative, of course), in order to make a correspondence of body parts and elements. The here presented pair of compositions show an excellent match: confirmation of the goodness of both original captions of JPL/MSSS. Therefore there is no visible decay or erosion in the Face-mesa: the originally intended elements in form of cracks and other carvings are currently all of them in there to generate the exact artistic views which the martian Artistry designed.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& See below a composition with corresponding elements of "Sacred" and "Brave", using "Kiss" (in negative to match "Sacred") as intermediate Face (at noon) which obviously 'defines' the corresponding body-parts. The 3 Faces are set in approximately equal sizes. It shows the typical martian Art of multiportraits via FEW marks which have different roles in each character: economy and intelligentia: 
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 7.- UPDATE for 5-june-2001. Critique of work by Mr. Richard Hoagland. He has been the grand pioneer in defending FoM, just after the monograph of DiPietro & Molenaar. And now Hoagland has succesfully interpreted the FoM at noon, before DiPietro and Carlotto had a chance to say anything. Lahoz was the first in such correct interpretation of 'Split Face' as shown in update of 24-may-2001, but Hoagland saw the same idea independently and just within less than a day, being the first in presenting graphically the two mirrored half-faces at noon. I published the very first, preliminary, sketches of the same and we claim that the coined names should be as posted in here: "Kiss" (in the normal positive) and "Anger" (in the negative). See below these, very precisely cut and mirrored (without any retouch at all), pair of WONDERFUL martian characters: 

Dr. D.G. Lahoz, as editor, contacted professional artists Ruo Yu and Shuming Hu. We got in less than 10 minutes two excellent sketches as in here. Ruo set up his original view of some hair protruding in forehead of "Kiss" character. Lahoz said to him: "You have depicted an eskimo lady!". Indeed ratio length/with is small compared with original NASA image; so I stretched it with computer (in green) and now is more faithful to the original image of rather long nose and face. But shape of eyes (per 2nd. image in page IIb), flat nose and kissing mouth cannot be better realized. Eskimo ladies are beautiful among the trillion types of feminine faces; be it roundish or elongated as in here. Bravo for Ruo's work!. Shuming seemed a bit unconfortable depicting "Anger" character. It was to him, Lahoz says, as if depicting a cartoon-drawing. But that is precisely what the original looks like. The originality is in depicted large hat (which seems to hide devilish horns) in form of crown and, perhaps, falling in the back. The badly-dressed hair or wrinkled coat by the crown is probably what has prompted the idea of 'lion' to Hoagland. No!: we do not share such mixrure of human and animal concepts in FoM at noon. It is just the two basic aspects or emotions in human beings: loving persons versus harsh (sometimes brutal) rulers who now and then appear in any civilization. Accurate depiction of nose, eyes and ears. Bravo for Shuming's work!. |