
The 3 NASA images. /id1.html
MGS negative. Interpretation. /id2.html
Not Van Flandern but Ignatius. /id3.html
New partial images. /id4.html
Contact Me. /id5.html
For possible updates (5-2001). /id6.html
Links. /id7.html
For possible updates (6-2001). /id8.html
For possible updates (6-2001). /id9.html
For possible updates (6-2001). /id10.html
For possible updates (6-2001). /id11.html
For possible updates (7-2001). /id12.html
For possible updates (8-2001). /id13.html
For possible updates (8-2001). /id14.html
For possible updates (11-2001). /id15.html
For possible updates (12-2001). /id16.html
For possible updates (12-2001). /id17.html
First images from Odyssey. // id18.html
Commentary for mathematicians. // id19.html
Underground of Cydonia in IR ? // id 20.html
Face on Mars. Critique.
Links. /id7.html

Here go the most fundamental links. Startng with original note of Ignatius Graffeo who correctly said: "We are at the treshold of a new Era..".

((1)) The Original note of Ignatius Graffeo:

"The Face on Mars IS Real!" (http://www.ufoseek.org/marsleo.htm)

((2)) Reaching identical Graffeo's idea via far more convoluted and totally independent process:

a) Dr. D.G. Lahoz rediscovers the martian riddle! (http://www.interlog.com/~uniam/FACE.GIF)

b) Historic discusssions [sec. ((2))] about it!. (http://www.interlog.com/~uniam/oct00.html)

((3)) When Angel Garcia surfed Internet and found a buried diamond: the original Graffeo's note, as above in ((1)).
Historic discussions returned and the boomerang of 'arrogance' hit back in the neck of C. Darwin's "Descent of man" (1874). Precisely at its 'arrogant' sentence of pag. 28: ""... arrogance which made our forefathers declare that they were descended from demi-gods"". Who is the 'arrogant' now in view of the 'Sacred Martian Face', little Charlie?:

Graffeo had solved the riddle before Lahoz! (http://www.interlog.com/~uniam/mar01.html)

((4)) Beyond the 'treshold of a new Era' when the populace has already ridiculed the sarcasms (really 'hidden fear') of ultra-conservative Science, via the power of an humanistic tool. Fine-Art and Craft in the riddle of the Face-mesa:

The Grand Teacher on Evolution is Mars! (http://www.interlog.com/~uniam/apr01.html)


((5)) When on sharp 24-may-2001 NASA/MSSS released a grand gift to mankibd. An insuperable image by MOC of the Face-on-Mars at noon time. Extreme resolution and clarity. Two split-faces showing the 'beauty & the beast' of martian civilization. "Our Father in Heaven" has been (and still is) a reality with His Wisdom and Justice shining for ever.

Face-on-Mars at noon. Analysis, debate & critique. (http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Concourse/9460/jun01.html)

((6)) More comments and analysis when the CRITIQUE is essentially finished.

Anatomy in "Facies Martis" (FM). Darwin's tubercle. (http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Concourse/9460/jul01.html)

((7))Some geologists try to push the Garvin's idea of FM being just a natural mensa or table without any artificiality. They trigger new debate. The theological issue of 'Nature of God' is briefly reviewed.

Debate on FM (=Facies Martis) continues. God versus 'Primus motus' of Philosophy. (http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Concourse/9460/aug01.html)

((8)) Every new orbiting spacecraft in Mars should include among its tasks two or three good new images of the 'Face' to confirm with various resolutions the 3 basic known ones: the Viking ones (sunset, F. Brava, at ~50 m resolution) and the two excellent ones of MGS (sunrise and noon, F. Sacra, F. Osculans, F. Ferox, at ~ 2 m resolution). So the new 'Mars Odyssey' already in orbit is expected to image with its current resolution of about 20 m.

By no means 'Mars Odyssey' should be ignorant of the 'Face'!. (http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Concourse/9460/oct01.html)

((9)) The logics in Cydonia message is polyvalent. The Face in particular has several meanings (as already described in this Website). But a very important meaning was still missing and now Prof. Lahoz has decrypted it (nov-2001).

F. Sacra (man wrapped in blankets) describes ice-ages in Mars. (http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Concourse/9460/nov01.html)

((10)) Definitively the artistic axis of F. Sacra and Cliff-face are meant to be parallel. To signify the role of Phobos which follows tightly the minimums of obliquity (and ice-ages) of Mars. The idea of smashing publicity about FM is intrinsically evil and an act of 'scientific terrorism' against Humanity.

While FM stands up in Cydonia atheism will be silenced for ever. http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Concourse/9460/dec01.html